Wabash College, Visiting Assistant Professor of Music, 2017-2022
“Music for Keyboard and Consort.” (Recording Review.) Early Music. Forthcoming.
“Venetian Musicians.” In Routledge Encyclopedia of the Renaissance World. Kristen Poole, General Editor. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. Forthcoming.
Wabash College Faculty Development Committee, Course Development Grant recipient, 2021.
Renaissance Society of America Digital Humanities Summer Institute, 2020 Scholarship Recipient. (Canceled due to COVID-19)
The Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation Venetian Research Program Grant Recipient, 2019-2020.
Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice Italy, Independent Scholar at the Vittore Branca International Center for the Study of Italian Culture, 2014 & 2019.
Indiana University Institute for Digital Arts and Humanities HASTAC (Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Alliance and Collaboratory) Scholar, 2015-2016.
Indiana University Institute for European Studies Travel Grant Recipient, 2016.
Indiana University Jacobs School of Music Hans & Alice B. Tischler Endowment Fund Fellowship recipient, 2015-2016.
"Digital Musicology: Dialogue, Demonstration, Demystification." American Musicological Society Annual Meeting. Boston, MA, November 2019.
“Visualizing Archival Research & Data: Renaissance Mantua & Venice.” American Musicological Society Annual Meeting. San Antonio, TX, November 2018. (Organizer and Presenter)
"Musical Networks and Institutional Gatekeepers." Sibelius Academy Symposium on Music History, Helsinki, Finland, June 2022.
“Teaching (Outside the Canon & Textbook) with Digital Tools and Projects.” American Musicological Society Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL, November 2021.
“Re-Framing ‘Traditional’ Sources and Scholarship in Musicology.” Digitorium: University of Alabama Digital Humanities Conference. Tuscaloosa, AL, March 2017.
"Venice 1687: Propaganda and Music in the Gig Economy." Seventeenth-Century Music Society Meeting, Cleveland, OH, April 2020.
“Musicians in Venice: Network Visualization Through Documents." Sixteenth-Century Society and Conference Annual Meeting. St. Louis, MO, October 2019.
“Musicians’ Networks and the Tourism Industry in Early Modern Venice.” Reconstructing Historical Networks Digitally: New Approaches, Opportunities and Epistemological Implications of Social Network Analysis, German Historical Institute. Washington, D.C. October 2018
“Musicians’ Networks in Early Modern Venice Through Archival Documents.” Digital Matters in Medieval and Renaissance Studies: A Symposium on Medieval and Renaissance Studies and Digital Humanities at Duke University. Durham, NC, April 2018.
“Musicians’ Networks in Early Modern Venice Through Archival Documents.” The Power of Musical Networks: Orpheus Seminar 2018. Orpheus Institute, Ghent Belgium. February 2018.
“Mapping Networks of Musicians in Early Modern Venice.” Mapping the Musical City Symposium. Institute of Musical Research, School of Advanced Studies and Newcastle University Humanities Research Institute. London, UK, February 2018.
“Using Archival Texts to Create Network Graphs of Musicians in Early Modern Venice.” Digital Humanities Annual Conference. Montreal, Quebec, August 2017.
“The Chiesa di Santa Maria della Consolazione and Giovanni Legrenzi’s Early Venetian Career: 1671-1677.” American Musicological Society Annual Meeting. Vancouver, B.C., November 2017.
Wabash College
MUS 204: Music and Christianity. Fall 2022.
MUS 204: The Music of Politics and the Politics of Music. Spring 2022.
FRC 101: Enduring Questions. Spring 2021.
MUS 104: Music and Social Conflict. Fall 2020.
MUS 204: Music Videos, History and Analysis. Spring 2020.
MUS 104: History and Philosophy of Music, Fall 2019.
FRT 101: Freshman Tutorial, “Soundtracks and How Sound Tracks.” Fall 2019.
MUS 107: Basic Theory and Notation. (Re-occurring beginning Spring 2020)
MUS 401: Senior Seminar, (Re-occurring beginning Fall 2017)
MUS 205: History of Western Music before 1750. (Re-occurring beginning Fall 2017)
MUS 206: History of Western Music after 1750. (Re-occurring beginning Spring 2018)
MUS 101: Music in Society. (Re-occurring beginning Fall 2017)
Indiana University
Adjunct Professor, Z101: Music for the Listener, Spring 2019
Adjunct Professor, M410: Sacred Works 15th-21st Century, Summer 2018.
Adjunct Instructor, M501: Proseminar in Music History. Summer 2015, Fall 2015, Spring 2016.
Indiana University Jacobs School of Music
Research Assistant to J. Peter Burkholder, Revisions for A History of Western Music, 10th ed. (New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2018.) October 2016 – June 2017
Editorial Assistant, Center for the History of Music Theory & Literature. June 2016 – June 2017
Indiana University Press
Project Assistant, Ethnomusicology Multimedia Project. January 2012 – June 2016.
Assistant Sponsoring Editor. October 2013 – June 2015.