My name is Mollie Ables and I research musicians' networks in Renaissance and Baroque Venice.
The Musicians in Venice project began as part of my dissertation research toward my PhD in musicology from Indiana University. Focusing on the career of Giovanni Legrenzi, I created a bimodal network graph of the different musicians associated with the four sacred institutions where Legrenzi worked during his Venetian career. The network graph is also a text repository, as the node attributes include a full transcription of the documents that link individuals to institutions. These are mainly payment, hiring, and termination records.
I am currently developing a public-facing interactive network graph of musicians and institutions. Hopefully, this will be a tool for other musicologists and Venetianists looking to understand relationships among musicians and institutions.
Visit the network graphs page to see different stages in the project model.
For updates on my research and network graphs, please visit the blog.
I am deeply grateful for the support of many members of the DH community for helping me with the network graph for my dissertation. This includes:
HASTAC (Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Alliance and Collaboratory) at Indiana University Kalani Craig, Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of History, Indiana University Giuliano Di Bacco, Center for the History of Music Theory and Literature, Indiana University, CyberDH at Indiana University,